Happy New Year's Everyone!
This is taken directly from Kimm at Reinvented!
I sewed something.
Seriously. I didn’t even have to use my new seam ripper.
It all started at the Goodwill store. All good stories do, don’t they? I found this pretty red wool sweater.

It is a medium and I’m NOT a medium, so I thought PILLOW.
Yep, P.I.L.L.O.W.
You see, I have been dreaming lately about felted wool, and since I’m a graduate of “You Can Never Have Too Many Pillows University”, I wanted to felt wool AND make pillows.
So I washed the sweater and threw it in the dryer. “Cuz I recently learned that that’s how you felt wool. It made me feel all nervous inside, ‘cuz I usually follow those “dry clean only” instructions.
I already had this pillow filler thingy.

Yep, P.I.L.L.O.W.
You see, I have been dreaming lately about felted wool, and since I’m a graduate of “You Can Never Have Too Many Pillows University”, I wanted to felt wool AND make pillows.
So I washed the sweater and threw it in the dryer. “Cuz I recently learned that that’s how you felt wool. It made me feel all nervous inside, ‘cuz I usually follow those “dry clean only” instructions.
I already had this pillow filler thingy.

Next, I went to JoAnn’s and bought some fake linen fabric. I found it in the “red tag section.” You know, that fabric not cool enough to be in the front of the store

I got out my new sewing machine, and looked up a pillow cover tutorial that I’d seen on All Things Thrifty.
I sewed my FIRST hem. (if you shake your head real fast while you’re looking it won’t look crooked)
I sewed my FIRST hem. (if you shake your head real fast while you’re looking it won’t look crooked)
The tutorial is for an envelope style pillow cover (perfect for those of us who aren’t ready for zippers), so the finished cover looked like this from the back.

That is really a cute pillow! The possibilities are endless now! Cute little hand stitches with embroidery thread in white along the petals would be cute too! I re used my old Christmas cards received all month long and turned them into cute paper boxes! I used a video from Etsy's archives. E-mail me and I will send it to you! Thanks for the post!
Absolutely ADORABLE! Love this pillow! Thanks for taking the time to share your tutorial with us!
You should be proud, your pillow is adorable! One of these days I'll get out to goodwill and look for some wool sweaters too! =D
What a wonderful idea! I was just thinking to myself how I would like to refreshen up the living room with some new home decor. I'll have to tack this on to my list of "projects I'd like to do" : ) I know you guys know what I'm talking about!
Great How-To! The ideas are endless on the special shapes; and that's how I get a lot of my patterns - CLIP-ART is perfect! Thanks for sharing :)
What a great job! Love it =)
Very cute pillow! Love it!
Good day, sun shines!
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Love it!!! Had me cracking up too!
Super cute...I am going through some fabric and I think I am making this tomorrow!!
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