I finally solved my "disconnect" by moving all my computer stuff in to it and rolling it right into the kitchen. I put my whole computer desk in this one space, with supplies and a cork board on the inside of the doors to pin important stuff. I
At bedtime or when we have visitors I simply close the doors and it is just a nice cabinet sitting along the wall in the kitchen. Then when I need to get to work I open the doors and roll up my chair. Organization is my middle name, and having it all in a central area so I can work and still bond with my family is the best of all possible outcomes! I hope my idea gives you ideas how to keep the home in home based business.
Terry Ann Wilson
Other Homefront Members Workspaces:
After making many wax rings in the kitchen microwave and on the counters, we moved it back into the guest room. It gives me room to make and store my inventory, and smells great!

My desk & computer are where all my creative work is accomplished... hehe. I like the treadmill being in the office, it reminds me to take care of myself.
Monster Bug Blankets www.monsterbugblankets.etsy.com/
I grew tired of toting my sewing machine out to the dining room table and back every time we needed to eat. We had this one little room we used as a library and I set up my sewing machine on an old German fest table in front of the windows--right in the sunshine!--and then slowly took over the rest of the room!
Geek Details www.geekdetails.etsy.com
My Etsy store had really taken off over Christmas and it was difficult to go from closet to closet finding various items not to mention my house was disorganized and bothering me. I jokingly asked on the Homefront thread if I was weird for wanting to move it all to the big master bedroom and move our bed to the smallest room in our house. The HFT told me to go for it, I asked my husband and he agreed to try it.
I love order...WEW WEW!!!!! Great post Terryann.
I'm sending my workspace pic.
I love the idea of stowing it all away in a cabinet! Very stealth. ;) My office/studio looks like a bookstore and gallery threw up. I love creative chaos, and contrary to my husband's belief I DO know where everything is! :)
I wish my workspace was orderly like that! Does the cat help with the sewing as well :)
Thanks for the postitive comments! ....and yes my kitty helps me with the computer stuff and the packing, but is not allowed in the sewing room...needles, hot iron and sharp sissors in there are worrysome he like to explore and there could be blood or bumps.... not good on fabric.
or kitty...♥
How cool to see how everyone else is doing it!
Fantastic work spaces!
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