Sure, we’ve all heard of the Little Black Box, a business that helps consumers to learn about online Indie retailers before they purchase. How do they do it? Indie artists submit sample and full-sized items, business cards, promotional material, and coupon codes. Consumers then buy these boxes and get an opportunity to sample the goods before they buy, if they so choose. The only thing is the buyer doesn’t know what they are buying. What honestly is the fun in that?
Why not get a chance to sample all the goods, but to know exactly what it is that you’re getting first? Even better, why not get the box absolutely free? The Etsy Team Homefront is doing exactly that with their Little Camo Box Giveaway. You ask why is the box camo? Well after all, Little Black Box was already taken. Besides, the name didn’t quite suit the team whose spouses and family members wear camo on a daily basis (please note, ammo boxes shown to the side are just for fun, not part of the giveaway).
Yes, we said Giveaway! We’re giving you the chance to win your very own box filled with goodies made by talented Homefront team members. What’s even better is that the winner is going to receive their Little Camo Box just in time for Valentine’s Day…our present to you. You can keep everything in the box for yourself (I certainly wouldn’t blame you if you did) or you can give away items to your loved ones as Valentine’s Day gifts. Regardless, we are quite certain that you will love everything in the box, and hopefully come back to these generous Homefronters for more!
What do I have the chance to win, you’re asking yourself? Goodies galore…please take a look:
From wastenotwhimsy, a very feminine and romantic pendant banner/mini bunting, just the thing for prettying your home for Valentine’s Day. A beautiful pair of blue and brown fishhook earrings are sure to pretty your ears just as nicely too.
From dunkdesigns, two “Girl With a Heart” mini note cards or Valentines, perfect for showing that special someone just a little bit of extra love.
From Kristynskreations, an absolutely gorgeous black and red eye mask. What better gift is there for a weary loved one than a good night’s sleep?
From WanderingWhimsies, a beautiful salt dough Valentine heart ornament, painted to look like a delicious sugar cookie. While it looks yummy enough to eat, I personally think it would look better hanging from a hook in your loved one’s home.
From EllaBearBowtique, an adorable cupcake and polka dot hair bow, the perfect gift for the perfect little girl.
From sewlittletimeinnc, a corner embroidered bookmark. Slip it over the corner of a book’s pages and it’s a wonderful, thoughtful gift for the avid reader in your life.
From monsterbugblankets, a set of four cute, heart-shaped, chunky crayons. What’s better than chocolate for Valentine’s Day? Chunky crayons that look like chocolates! The best part is these crayons won’t make your little ones ping off the walls like chocolate will.
From mrsdstahl, a card pack filled with five delightful cards, perfect for a number of occasions. Included is a stunning red and black card for giving the love of your life, three pretty thank you cards, and a simple but beautiful blank card. This is a wondrous gift that keeps on giving.
From TwoSeasideBabes, a set of six 100% cotton Valentine’s facial scrubbies. In red, white, cream, and three shades of pink, these large facial scrubbies are sure to pamper those loved ones with even the most sensitive of skin.
From smokeymountainscents, a delicious smelling bar of Honeysuckle soap. Soften your skin with mango and shea butter, just in time for all those kisses and caresses.
From geekdetails, a “You Fill My Hearts” print and four subtly geeky buttons. You can’t tell me Dr. Seuss doesn’t just make you smile? Spread the love and pass on a button to someone you love.
From TheChameleonsAttic, a wonderfully creative floppy disk notebook. Show your loved ones
From TerisTreasure, a delightful little cup cozy for that environmentally-friendly person in your life. Show how much you care about them, and the environment, by giving them this pink heart cozy.

So you’re quite eager to win this Homefront Camo Box right? Of course you are! Then here’s what you need to do…simply leave a comment stating why you would love to receive your very own Valentine’s Camo Box courtesy of the Etsy team Homefront. The winner will be randomly chosen on the 8th of February and will receive their box just in time for Valentine’s Day! Good luck and Happy Valentine’s Day to everyone!
I never won anything, ever!
But I'm sure others are more deserving. I would use all the little gifts to give away as a PIF and I'd keep the camo box, because I collect millitary parts and would love to have one.
i would love to get this little camo box so that i could give everything away to all of my wonderful friends. (okay maybe i'd keep one little thing for myself )my husband deployed in january and i have the greatest friends here checking up on me everyday.. and i have been so busy sewing lately that i can't get ahead enough to make up some valentines presents for everyone that i mean to get presents to. thanks for the great giveaway!
I want to win for selfish reasons, LOL! Those handmade goodies look awesome! Sure, maybe I'll share one or two with friends and family ... :)
What a great way to learn more about this team! There are so many sellers on Etsy now, it's easy to miss the really terrific ones!
Just as an FYI- the Ammo Box photo is just for show...they are NOT going to be what the items come in (those suckers are super heavy).
This is a great Promotion!!!!! I wish I could win!!!
Best of luck to everyone
well, what I'd really love is if I win, that it goes to the name/post that comes after me, cause Im all about "random acts of kindness".
debgordonmoisan (in my boyfriends account)
It looks great. I'm so excited to have an item in this giveaway.
GREAT giveaway! I love the cupcake bow & coffee cozy! I also love the pretty "flags" (:
It would be nice and so cool to win something. It gives you that great feeling of Joy. Well thats my idea of it anyway.
I really like all the items that were featured in the blog, great work and wonderful craftmanship and good luck to all the others who are entering this contest. I hope I will win but I hope the grand prize winner will be delighted.
Thank you so much
Because I need a coffee cozy.:) And I would love to spead the love to other people that I love!!!
Thanks Sarah from Perfect Perfections for letting me know about this wonderful giveaway!
I would love to win this goody box because it would be a great opportunity to see the talent and creativity of other etsy sellers. Receiving a box with all the goodies listed would put a smile on my face. If I win I would blog about it as well. Thank you for the opportunity to potentially win!
As a Navy spouse, I would love to win the cammo box. It is filled with adoreable items. One was evne contributed by my sister in law , sewlittletimeinnc
Love it! What a wonderful idea. :)
I would LOVE to win this box of goodies! I've had 2 brothers serve in Iraq, 1 more brother that just joined up, a sister that's in the guard, (and many more family members faithfully serving our country) and am so excited that etsy has a team for supporting our soldiers! I'm gonna have to join this team!! Thanks so much for your support! :)
Everything in the box is really gorgeous. Would love to be entered for this one.
Also, let me know when you are putting another such giveaway together and I will be happy to donate something for the box.
:-) Leah
oooh... count me in!
I would love to win because, of course- it would simply be so fun to! And, this is a great collection of things!!!
Well, this is just such a super compilation of great items! Cout me in!!
contact me at:
I already have some people in mind for some of these items...so I woudl love to win to surprise them!
I'd love to be able to pass out these little gifts at my school to the teachers. It would be a wonderful way to promote etsy and these great sellers. I think I'll keep the delicious looking soap for myself though :-)
Thanks, Marie
Great items you all have in the Camo box!! I would keep a couple things for myself and then hand out the rest to my friends who keep me sane while our husbands are away.
WOW!! What a great prize!! some if it I would definitely keep (maybe all of it LOL). I have some tote bags on my etsy shop, and for my birthday I plan on giving one away with stuff I've collected through trades or things I have found on etsy that were on sale and bought 2 of. So some of the prize may go into the tote!
I am a big fan of etsy but with all the stores out there it's hard to find the good ones. Thanks for putting together this goodie box. I hope I win so that I can share the love with others around me!
I would love to win the camo box so that I could send a few items to my nephew who just returned to Afghanistan for his second tour, and to my sister (his mother) who, like the rest of us, is both proud of him and worried for him.
These are cute gifts and things to keep for me, too.
Referred by Sewlittletimeinnc
I have nothing but love for our soldiers and support staff serving our country and in effect serving us. We have no family members overseas so we adopted a soldier in our town for the whole year he was deployed. We sent him care packages and cards and notes reminding him that he was prayed for and loved and appreciated. It was so great to get to meet him when he came home safe and sound. We had a big party with other families in the community who did the same thing. It was a huge hero's welcome and it was one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. "Our" soldier and his wife are now part of our extended family and even though we have moved away, we still keep in touch via facebook and email.
Thanks for reminding me to do something special for Dwayne and April for Valentine's day.
oops, let's try this again, shall we
I have nothing but love for our soldiers and support staff serving our country and in effect serving us. We have no family members overseas so we adopted a soldier in our town for the whole year he was deployed. We sent him care packages and cards and notes reminding him that he was prayed for and loved and appreciated. It was so great to get to meet him when he came home safe and sound. We had a big party with other families in the community who did the same thing. It was a huge hero's welcome and it was one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. "Our" soldier and his wife are now part of our extended family and even though we have moved away, we still keep in touch via facebook and email.
Thanks for reminding me to do something special for Dwayne and April for Valentine's day.
February 2, 2009 6:13 AM
Oh I would LOVE to win this camo box of goodies because it's filled with really awesome stuff!! How generous of so many talented people : )
I would LOVE to win,all those goodies can be put to good use in my home! I have a geeky husband and a little girl and two boys! And one on the way!! Yes, we could definitely get good use out of those items!!
Well, it's entirely selfish of me, but I'd love to win! There are some really great goodies wrapped up in this package!
What a great idea and it goes with your team theme! Love it! I would love to receive some goodies and in return will promote the heck out of the shops!
What a great bunch of stuff. I would love to win any of it and the ability to win it ALL is super great!
Oh I would love to win this little camo box so that i could give everything away to all of my wonderful friends and family :)
What a fantastic idea to get your products out to someone who has only been a browser!! I would love to win the treasure chest (okay - camo box!!) because of all the beauiful things inside. I'm sure I would share some of them, but I might not be able to resist keeping a few for myself. I love browsing craft fairs and making my own crafts, but work always seems to get in the way! Your site lets people who like to give handmade items as gifts but don't have the time to make them another option. Thank you
Awesome box!!! I'd love to win because I could gift half of these things to my boyfriend (and keep the rest for ME of course!) and he's the one I love mostest in the whole world!
Oh wow - I have to win this because I love everything going into it! I have too many neices, nephews and friends that I'm trying to train in the ways of "buyhandmade" - these would make great gifts for them for Valentine's day.
This is my first time to hear about this street team - but I love the concept.
What an awesome prize! I can think of so many people to share the goodies with and I never win anything so this would be perfect! LOL
Congrats on a beautiful collaboration.
My hubby and I set $5 limits this year for V-day so it would be lovely to get all this wonderful stuff. Super cute, and love handmade!
I would love to get this box because it is full of so many wonderful handmade items! There are some things that I fiendishly would love to keep, but I would also love to be able to share them and introduce my friends and family to other etsy sellers!
What a wonderful team you have here, as well. All my best to all of you!
Happy to have found you on Twitter. The fun is tracking all the folks who put the gifts together. My hat's off to you. If I were to win, I'd ask you offer it up again. Pass it forward and gain more awareness of your worthy cause.
What a sweet little grouping! I would love to get this so I wouldn't have to put together V-day gifts; I could just give away all these lovelies! (You will be including a business card or the like with each item, I assume? I wouldn't want people I give anything to to not know where it's from!)
Thanks so much!
because valentine's day is going to suck this year....plus there's a lot of nice things i could give to my mom for V day.
I would love to win a Camo Box, as it would be so wonderful to have one!
Thanks for the great giveaway!
As a Marine wife, I think this is a wonderful idea! Great job on helping out other military spouses by getting their names and products out there! I would love to win the goodies so I can do my part in helping show and tell others about what there is to offer at Etsy!
On my gosh! I'm IN LOVE with the floppy pad and the geekery goodness. Everything is so adorable! I know so many people that would love some of these goodies. Obviously some I'd horde but who wouldn't? I've never won anything so here's hoping!
Valentine's Day is all about love, right?? Which means I would LOVE to win this LOVEly box of LOVEy dovey goodies...what a fantastic giveaway! LOVE it!
I'd like to win a camo box because I love surprises and cleverness...and many of the items shown get a 10 in my book for cleverness. Can't wait!!!
Coco of ByCoco.etsy.com
Wonder who will win. The suspense is killing me. Wish I could enter!
It's been a long winter here (and it's only early February!) and a box of little treasures would chase some winter blues away!
I would love to win this. Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
How fun! I'd love to win all of these great items!
what a wonderful giveaway...I'm keeping my fingers crossed! Lovely selection of items!
First of all, I am just NOW getting into the ETSY community, and WOW what have I missed?! You guys are great!
Secondly, this whole concept just makes my heart smile...all of you working together and compiling such a beautiful gift collection...HECK YES I'd love to win it! :oD
Good luck to all entrants on this!
Who wouldn't want to win all these fabulous Valentine treasures! I sure could make my friends and family extra happy with these cute Valentine's gifts. of course, i would need to keep a couple of cool things for myself! :D Thank you for the opportunity! xoxo
o wow there's so much variety and beautiful items who wouldn't want to win it. Very lovely. =D
I would love to win because as a mom to a special needs child I think it's finally time I do something for myself...lolol...
I NEED this prize! I'm a mom of seven (5 I have given birth to including two sets of twins). As a result of having all these babies I developed a hernia in my stomach and fibroids in my uterus. I'm going under the knife twice this month...I think I am going to NEED a little pampering :o)
This is great!! I teach kindrgarten. I'd be able to share with all of the other K teachers!!
Memememe! I hope I win, cause I know darn well my hubby isn't getting me anything. :)
Looks like a great assortment and a wonderful opportunity to see the talent of others!
Great idea!
Sorry...not sure if my contact info was included in my post.
Ever since the new year I have been challenged myself to do something romantic everyday for my husband and this would be so absolutely perfect for me as I am always hiding little things in in his office, or computer bag, or closet and this would would be fun to make little cards for... Of course I would keep a few things for myself:) Anyway thanks guys for such a great giveaway idea!
i'd love this box as a way to give back to the fellow Army wives as a nice little valentines day pick me up. Quite a few of the local families are still not with their loved ones from this past deployment. I'm sure a beautiful gift would make any one of them happy. it may make it a little more bearable being alone for valentines day.
thank you, Michelle
Thank you to all who entered the Homefront Camo Box Giveaway. The promotional period for this giveaway has ended and the winner has been chosen. Happy Valentine's Day to everyone from the Etsy Team Homefront!
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