The Homefront Team is very excited to announce a charity event theywill be holding this year. Beginning on March 1st, various Homefrontmembers will be listing an item in their store for the event we arecalling "HEART". HEART stands for "Homefront Etsy Artisans ReturningThanks". Because we are a team of military spouses, we have chosen acharity that is near and dear to our hearts, The Fisher House.
http://www.fisherhouse.org/ The Fisher House is an organization thatworks to support military families in the time of greatest need, byproviding a home away from home so that family members can be close totheir loved ones during the most stressful time during hospitalizationfor an illness, disease or injury. Starting on March 1st, buyers cando a search on Etsy for the tag "Homefront Charity" and see a list ofitems where 100% of the proceeds will be given to the Fisher House onJuly 1st of this year. We hope readers will help us to make our firstcharity event a successful one for this great cause.
This is a great charity...I'm looking forward to participating.
CreationsAnew Photography & Design
Great chairty choice...I will check it out in the next couple of days...Good luck!
What a great idea, I'm in!
What a great charity - I can't wait to see how much we are able to donate to the Fisher House.
Ooh! Count me in, too!
This sounds wonderful, looking forwarding to helping out! :)
I look forward to participating too! What a great charity!
I'm off to add one to my shop as well. How wonderful!
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