This Friday Edition is in honor of those fearless, ornery, fiesty and fierce little boys.....who are masters of the mud pie.....and keeper of the bugs.....
These Great Finds are all part of the Homefront Team!
Starting from Upper Left
Wild Blue Yonder Boutique Mini Blanket from NoahBabyBoutique $15
Airplane Wipes Case from JensCraftCorner $9
Toddler Visor Square Buckle Beanie - Denim Blue and Navy Blue
from Two SeasideBabes $31
Dino Diaper-Bag/Organizer from SpoiledRottenDesigns $10.99
Fish Bib and Burp Cloth Set from MonsterBugBlankets $20
Space and Rocketship Mobile from Paperbella $60.50
Custom Photo Birth Announcement Card from ProffittProductions $8
Lil Buckaroo Rustic Primitive Wood Sign from SawdustNStitches $6
Thank you so kindly for including our Square Buckle Beanie. These are some wonderful picks!
Yeah for the boys!! Great collection!
Wonderful selections!!! WooHoo for little boys!
These are all wonderful finds!
~ Kristen
aw, thanks for including my mobile in such a great collection for a baby boy!
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