Our first Featured Artist for November is ArtistS (http://www.artists.etsy.com/) who sells amazing original paintings that would add that certain something to anyone’s blank walls.

Tell Us a Little About You:
I am an artist, a stay at home mother of three fantastic boys, and a proud Navy spouse. Originally from Louisiana , my husband and I have been traveling all over the US and overseas for the last ten years serving this great country. We are currently stationed in San Diego , California but are getting ready to embark on our fifth move to Pennsylvania . We are looking forward to living on the East coast and being closer to family, however, this will be our first major move involving children so we are excited and nervous at the same time. My oldest will be starting Kindergarten at our next duty station with his little brother not too far behind, so this move will bring many changes to our family and we are in the process of preparing for all of them.
How Did you Get into your Craft?:
I have been making crafts ever since I was a young girl and always knew that I wanted to make a living using my creativity. Painting, though, has always been my favorite activity, my true passion, and I can't get enough of anything that has to do with art. I started painting more when I became a military spouse because it was the perfect way to add color to the dreaded white walls that were standard in all of our rental homes. I painted so much that I had far too many canvases to hang in our house and I decided to start selling them here on Etsy. I also thought that having an online store was a perfect fit for the transient military lifestyle, we can sell our handmade items from anywhere in the world!
What is your favorite item in your store and why? How long does it take you to make it? How do you make it?
I can honestly say that every painting in my store is my favorite, in its own way. Each piece represents a certain moment in my life and what I was feeling at the time of its creation. Because I use many layers of paint on each painting, it takes a long while to complete each one due to the drying time and layering process. I usually only work on one piece at a time because it is hard for me to mentally separate myself from the painting until it is done.
What is something you can’t live without?
Because I am a military spouse that moves around often, I can't live without my GPS device. I remember moving to Washington State and while unpacking our household goods decided that we wanted to eat fast food for lunch. I got in the car and drove around for 30 minutes getting lost only to find out that the restaurant was about three blocks from our house in a straight line. Now, I feel confident driving around any new town knowing that will never happen again.
How has being a member of the Homefront Team helped you as an Etsy shop owner?
Aside from the obvious benefit of being exposed to a wider audience, the Homefront Team has helped inspire me to continue trying to sell my work. I enjoy looking through all of the Homefront shops and seeing all of the varied products and great talent that is listed here. Because all of our lives are somewhat similar, seeing each person's success proves to me that it can be done and dreams can be realized.

Check Out ArtistS's other AMAZING and BEAUTIFUL original paintings at http://www.artists.etsy.com/
What lovely artwork! Congrats for being HF first Featured Artist for Nov!
I love the contrast in this piece!
Wonderful interview with an AMAZING artist. I love the Grapes in Dew painting (on etsy)!!! Hmmm might need to see if I can convince hubby how fantastic that would look in our Bedroom!!!!
beautiful work-thanks for sharing your story
Fantastic...and she is as beautiful as talanted!
Glad she is part of our team!
Thanks for all of the wonderful feedback. It's nice to be a part of this fantastic community!
Love your work!!! Congratulations on being featured, and good luck on your move to PA!
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