-Where did you move from and are now living? How was your move?We were living in Norfolk, VA, and we moved to Honolulu, HI. I have to say this was our most difficult of 4 Navy moves. I think because we were in VA for 5 years, and our kids are now school age, plus kids,and a ton of accumulated furniture, toys, and stuff. Add into that a house to rent out, and selling a vehicle, in this poor economy, and there you have the recipe for a stressful move.
-How is this move different that your last duty station? Hawaii is dramatically differen
t from Norfolk. Out here there are alot more family centered military programs. Our kids school is 95% military, I go to the gym on base for Zumba classes, we only shop the Commissary. And a larger percentage of military live on base, and there is much more of a community feel. Hawaii is also a breathtakingly beautiful place. It is hard not to look at the mountains or see that aqua blue water, and not feel thankful for the life we have, and the opportunities we have as military families to live in extraordinary places!

-Has the move effected your shop? If so, how?I had to shut down Lilac Ave for 4 months, since my inventory was too large to ship it all without damage. Meanwhile I knew supplies would be more expensive so I was stocking up. So as you can imagine, with no way to make money, but spending lots, my profitability for this year is not looking great. I am hoping that the back half and holiday turns that around, especially since I need no supplies :)

-What are your favorite items in your new shop? I love them all for different reasons. For decorating my own home the organic fabric with appliques would likely be my choice, but I get most excited about the vintage stuff. It is so unique and different....I love that!!!!
-What are you newest items? In Lilac Ave the newest items is the dessert line. I had a friend that purchased the Berry Spice Candle, and she was really pushing me to have a whole dessert line. I love the little dishes, and the scents are to die for!
In SerendipityDecor, the submarine pride pillows are the newest thing. As I had said, Hawaii seems to bring together military, and I've been getting to know a lot of the wives, whose husbands are on board my husband's submarine. At a party they mentioned the pillows. I know how prideful we are of being part of the "silent service". I know how much I love the submarine paraphernalia. So I made some of the pillows. What I wasn't expecting was how overjoyed my daughter was to have one. She squeezed it tight, and said she misses Daddy. It came to me, that not only could it be a fun thing for us proud wives, but something that may comfort our little ones.
-Do you plan on having a sale soon or upcoming events? I have a couple of plans in the making. There is a craft fair on Hickam Air Force Base on Nov 14th, and I plan on having a booth there. I'm really excited, since I've never done a base related craft fair, but have heard wonderful things about it. I have also started doing candle making parties, which I have hosted at my home, and been invited to other people's homes to demonstrate. I do plan on having a holiday party sometime in November. And for those that don't live locally, I was going to start offering candle making kits, so you can share in the experience from thousands of miles away!
-What other shops do you have?

My Soy Candles, Tarts, and Home Fragrance can be seen at http://www.lilacave.etsy.com/
My handmade cards are available at http://www.bubbarye.etsy.com/
And all my home decor can be checked out at http://www.serendipitydecor.etsy.com/
You can also become a Facebook Fan, keeping up with sales and new items.
Thanks for sharing! Very interesting. My daughter and her husband hope to get stationed in Hawaii soon too! Good luck with all your business adventures!
Wonderful to know more of you, Deb!
so glad I found this blog & team. We just moved TO norfolk...and I'm just about to start the Zumba classes :)
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